CBD works by harmonising our many internal systems, collectively known as our endocannabinoid system. This system is made up of tiny receptors throughout our bodies at over 70 different sites that interact with cannabinoids.
CBD Capsules vs CBD Oils: Which is Best?
CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is an incredibly beneficial plant compound derived from Hemp that offers a whole host of wellness benefits.
People take or apply cannabidiol to treat a variety of symptoms, but there is some confusion about how you should be taking CBD.
Beginner’s Guide to using CBD Oils
The UK market for cannabidiol will soon be worth over £1bn per year. Link
CBD is everywhere at the moment and there are lots of anecdotal stories from people living with chronic pain, anxiety or poor sleep who have had tremendous results after taking CBD after just 7 days and sometimes right away. But is there any truth behind it all?