CBD Oils vs Capsules: Which Option to Invest In?

For anyone that’s gotten into CBD and used it in their lives regularly, the only thing more amazing than cannabinoids themselves is the growing number of ways to consume them.
From dabs and patches of wax to joints and edibles, the assortment of consumption methods available in the market today continues to baffle even seasoned of veterans. As opposed to the olden days where unnecessary THC exposure was the only way to take in the benefits of cannabidiol, alternatives now offer a safer experience without the risk of getting high!
Among all the different vessels of consumption that have come to relevance ever since the introduction of CBD, none have shown to be far more prolific than oils and capsules.
What makes these options so special?
CBD oils and capsules have been regarded as the most authentic options on the market today because of how they yield the benefits of the compound while maintaining a medicinal appeal.
As opposed to other consumption methods that feel far too casual to realise the intrinsic medical benefits they provide, they still continue to remain relevant thanks to conservative “transitioners” and traditional takes. While it may be easy to see how effective the products are at delivering a daily dose of cannabidiol, there’s one hurdle that you may need to watch out for: The struggle of picking between one or another.
Oils vs capsules
Although many may think that choosing between the other is straightforward, the truth is that the similarities that CBD capsules and oils share blurs the line on knowing which method suits your needs better. In the sections below, we will share a quick guide on the differentiating factors for both options in greater detail:
Factor #1: Consumption method
In most cases, the way each option is consumed helps people distinguish and choose which form is better for them because users opt for one based on their preferences.
If you’re much more comfortable with popping pills in your mouth and aren’t keen on aftertastes, then capsules are for you. However, this comes at the price of a lower bioavailability (the rate at which CBD is absorbed.) On the other hand, oils or extracts are a far better option if you’re looking to get a higher amount of the active component and don’t mind having to hold a few drops for a minute and a half.
Factor #2: Bioavailability
As mentioned, bioavailability is the rate at which one experiences a percentage of the full active component for a more impactful (or weaker) experience of key benefits. If you find yourself needing a bang for your buck when it comes to the quality of the effects you’re experiencing, CBD oil is an option to start investing in right away. Alternatively, capsules still work well in giving a daily dose of cannabidiol but the effects aren’t as intensive and the amount reaped by the body from the proprietary ingredient is far less.
Factor #3: Dosage control
A vital differentiating factor to watch out for when choosing between oil or capsules is the amount of control over your dosage as they offer different experiences. Capsules offer a more fixed daily serving as each one of them has a fixed amount of CBD that is predetermined by a lab. When it comes to complete freedom, however, oil is the perfect option to go for as you have the choice to take one drop or five depending on how you’re feeling for the day.
At the end of the day, finding the perfect way to consume CBD and deliberating on what option to use is up to your preferences and needs. This is why you should do your due diligence by researching more on CBD oils and capsules and choosing wisely!
We’re a supplier of the best CBD oils and capsules for those in search of top-notch effective alternative medicines in the UK. Check out our online shop and place your order today to get your dose of cannabidiol in the best forms possible!