
Can CBD Really Soothe Arthritis and Joint Pain in Older People?
Recent studies suggest that cannabidiol oil could help play a role in the treatment of arthritis. What are the benefits of cannabidiol oil and are there any side effects people should be aware of before using it?
Getting old doesn’t have to mean you feel old. Going for a ride on your bike can feel just as good on your shiny electric-assisted bike as it did on your first ride.

How to make your own CBD oil infused butter at home

New CBD Regulations and Guidance - Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women Urged to Avoid CBD
CBD oils, edible snacks and drinks containing cannabidiol (CBD) could be "taken off the shelves" next year if they do not gain regulatory approval.
For companies hoping to have stake in the UK's multi-million pound CBD industry, that's a big incentive to comply.

The Top 5 Supplements We Take Every Day To Stay Healthy
It’s not the most sexy topic of conversation to bring up at the office (unless it happens to be ours) but supplements play a huge part in our daily lives and help us stay healthy.