How Full Spectrum CBD Oil Fare With Other CBD Products

When it comes to using Cannabidiol (CBD) products, there are various forms and mediums that can be used depending on your preference. Factors such as the source, purity, brand, and quality of the product can make one feel overwhelmed with the different choices to choose from.
However, there’s one key difference among CBD products which can help you in being a better buyer. A 2011 survey notes that over 98% of the patients in the study preferred full-spectrum cannabis to the THC-only medication. This staggering number of individuals in favour of full-spectrum CBD reflects how it’s the defining factor in choosing the right product.
Variety in cannabinoids
Cannabinoids are the active compounds found in the cannabis plant. One of the most well-known compounds of cannabis plants is THC, which is what causes the euphoric effect of marijuana.
Though CBD and THC are both commonly found in cannabinoids, they are only two of the 113 other cannabinoids found within the plant. These other compounds have much lower concentrations but have their own unique effects on the human body.
Composition of full-spectrum CBD
The two types of CBD oil can be separated into full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. Though both of these products contain the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD, the significant difference is that the full-spectrum product also contains co-occurring compounds from the cannabis plant to help enhance each other’s effects.
These compounds work together through what’s called as a synergistic effect. One typical example of this is the effect that THC has on CBD. People who ingest THC and CBD at the same time report fewer side-effects compared to using the former on its own.
Versatility as a treatment
The cannabis plant has evolved into its current state to provide a variety of effects, from physical pain relief to treatment for anxiety. These benefits become more pronounced when used in conjunction with other cannabinoid compounds. Full-spectrum oil, in particular, is an excellent product that gives the full benefits of the plant’s medicinal effects without having to smoke or vaporise the plant’s essence.
Better flavour leading to better sensory experience
One of the more highlighted reasons full-spectrum oil is a popular product to CBD users is that it contains the right amount of cannabinoids and terpenes to create a richer flavour. The sharp taste of warm myrcene is complemented by terpenes subtle richness to the experience.
Some people prefer a tasteless isolate because they merely look for the kick of CBD, but having full-spectrum CBD oil gives an added natural flavour if you’re looking to ingesting it raw or mixing it to your meals and drinks.
Enhanced flavour leading to enhanced effects
Many sources point to an increase in CBD oil’s effectiveness when ingested under a full-spectrum composition. Terpenes are theorised to have synergistic interactions towards CBD’s compounds, making the two’s mutual mixture produce not just double the flavour but also double the health benefits.
As a smart consumer, you should always be wary about the ingredients of the products that you purchase. The best part about using CBD is that it comes in a variety of products which make it easier to introduce to first-timers. The key to enjoying your purchase is by finding a way to treat yourself in the best medium possible.
We’re a UK-based shop that sells CBD products in the market, such as pure CBD oil. Browse online through our variety of products to discover the best product that will satisfy your body’s needs!