How to Deal With Phantom Pain With CBD Oil

As an amputee, you may have been experiencing phantom pain, which is also known as phantom limb pain. This is a condition that involves tingling or throbbing pain and pins and needles in any body part that has been surgically removed. Also, this is commonly caused by an accumulation of neurotransmitters in that area, which causes pain and sensitivity. You may begin experiencing this instantly after amputation or it can develop after a few months or years.
Phantom pain has limited treatments that help regulate signals in your nervous system, such as anticonvulsant and antidepressant medications and adjunctive therapy. While some doctors prescribe opioid painkillers, they are sometimes ineffective and you have a high risk of experiencing dangerous side effects. If you think that these common treatments are not working for you, then you may consider buying CBD oil to deal with your condition.
How Does CBD Oil Help Cope with Phantom Pain?
Known for having anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, cannabidiol (CBD) oil has the potential to treat chronic pain. This is sourced from industrial hemp plants. What makes this one-of-a-kind is it has no cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is a chemical that is responsible for providing you with intoxicating effects or a sensation of being “high.”
What Are the Correct Ways of Using CBD for Phantom Pain?
CBD oil
CBD comes in a wide variety of forms and can be consumed through different methods. The most popular way of taking this is by oil. If you are wondering how to use CBD oil for pain, you must place the CBD oil right under your tongue and hold the compound there for up to 90 seconds before swallowing. This way, you can reap the potential health benefits of CBD as it enters your body through your blood vessels.
CBD topical creams and ointments
If you are looking for alternative ways to consume CBD to help you deal with phantom pain, then you may consider using topical creams and ointments to target a specific painful area. This alleviates your pain directly by letting CBD enter your body through your skin.
CBD capsules and edibles
Aside from CBD oil and topical ointments and creams, other alternative consumption methods of CBD include edibles and capsules. This is perfect for you if you are looking for a more widely available form of CBD and a more convenient and discreet way to consume this compound. One drawback that is worth noting though is that this can take longer to take effect compared to other consumption methods of CBD. This is because the compound should pass through your digestive system first before being absorbed by your blood.
CBD e-liquid
Another way to take CBD is by vaping it using a CBD e-liquid. This might be the right consumption method for you if you want to keep your ideal social image. After all, no one has to know that you are taking CBD. What makes this CDB form a good option is that you can instantly experience pain relief almost immediately through your lungs.
Phantom pain can significantly affect your quality of life when left untreated. Using CBD oil shows a lot of promise in dealing with chronic pain, which includes phantom pain. Before using CBD oil, it is best to consult your doctor to ensure that this is the right treatment for you.
Meanwhile, you may relieve your pain by getting the best CBD oil from Revivo. We also sell CBD capsules, CBD e-liquid, and more. Place your order today!